How to buy?

Buying without login: You can make an order in our e-shop without login.

Goods selection:  On the left side of the home page you can select the type of products available. After selecting the product group you will have a choice of products within that group.

Detail of goods:  By clicking on the item you will be provided with additional information and you can also enlarge the item for better viewing.

Adding goods into shopping cart:  Clicking the shopping cart icon adds the selected item\items to your personal shopping list. It is possible to add additional quantities of the selected items in the shopping list screen. You are also able to remove items from the list prior to making a purchase.

Placing an order:       

  1. Delivery Address: Provide required information (*). Must provide E-Mail address for copy of order that has been placed. Select shipping method and payment method.
  2. Check Order: Review order.
  3. Place Order: If any problems occur with order please re-submit. If problem is not resolved send an e-mail to